Exploring HydroMT - part 1

Exploring HydroMT - part 1. Going through a ‘getting started’ example, and exploring from here on.



July 20, 2023

“HydroMT logo”


I recently attended the MODSIM 2023 conference and inadvertently missed the presentation Towards scalable and reproducible hydrological modelling with HydroMT: A proof of concept for Australia. HydroMT is a toolset I’d really like to understand better, notably to assess whether I can manage workflows built upon our Streamflow Forecasting tools.

The value proposition of HydroMT resonates with me. I keep being surprised by the dearth of facilities in easily exploiting temporal and geospatial data for building hydrologic models.

So, heading to the page HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis to explore it.


This post will be about the first hands on familiarisation with the toolset and its existing plug-ins. No point jumping the gun and investigating plugins before I “grok” the existing tools. I expect this will be not be without friction anyway, as getting throught the introductory material of a third party software toolset is rarely smooth sailing, as I am aware the reverse is true of the software tools I aothor or contribute to.s


Not installing in dev mode by default. Will start as a normal user.

HydroMT is readily available from conda-forge and installs flawlessly on my Linux box:

mamba create -n hydromt -c conda-forge python=3.9 hydromt hydromt_wflow
mamba activate hydromt
hydromt --models
model plugins:
 - wflow (hydromt_wflow 0.2.1)
 - wflow_sediment (hydromt_wflow 0.2.1)
generic models (hydromt 0.8.0):
 - grid_model
 - lumped_model
 - network_model

There is a bit of variation in the doc compared to this output of hydromt --models. Which is fine.

mkdir -p ~/data/hydromt
cd ~/data/hydromt
# NOTE: save as `build_wflow.ini` not `wflow_build.ini` to be consistent with the upcoming command invocation `hydromt build`.
# Otherwise you'll get error OSError: Config not found at /home/xxxyyy/data/hydromt/build_wflow.ini
curl -o build_wflow.ini https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Deltares/hydromt_wflow/main/examples/wflow_build.ini
hydromt build wflow ./wflow_test -r "{'subbasin': [12.2051, 45.8331], 'strord': 4}" -vv -i build_wflow.ini
ValueError: Model wflow has no method "setup_outlets"

The class WflowModel has a method setup_outlets though, in the file wflow.py.

Not sure where to go from this. May be something to feed back to authors if I do not overlook something.


Setting up launch.json file for VSCode:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Python: Current File",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "/home/xxxyyy/mambaforge/envs/hydromt/bin/hydromt",
            "console": "integratedTerminal",
            "justMyCode": true,
            "args": [
                "\"{'subbasin': [12.2051, 45.8331], 'strord': 4}\"",
            // "cwd": "/home/xxxyyy/data/hydromt"

This launches the process, but I cannot put breakpoints in most of the files though, not sure why. So, installing hydromt packages in dev mode to dig a bit further:

conda remove --force hydromt hydromt_wflow (note that this has to be conda, mamba still tries to uninstall dependencies even with --force)

cd ~/src/hydromt
pip install -e .
cd ../hydromt_wflow/
pip install -e .

Can we reproduce the error if installed from the lates source?

cd ~/data/hydromt 
hydromt build wflow ./wflow_test -r "{'subbasin': [12.2051, 45.8331], 'strord': 4}" -vv -i build_wflow.ini

Well, no… this time:

FileNotFoundError: No such file or catalog key: merit_hydro

See page Pre-defined data catalogs: “The deltares_data catalog is only available within the Deltares network. However a selection of this data for a the Piave basin (Northern Italy) is available online in the artifact_data”. merit_hydro is under the “artifact_data - topography” tab.

ds_org = self.data_catalog.get_rasterdataset(hydrography_fn) where hydrography_fn is equal to “merit_hydro”

The Data Overview page states that:


If no yaml file is provided to the CLI build or update methods or to DataCatalog, HydroMT will use the data stored in the artifact_data which contains an extract of global data for a small region around the Piave river in Northern Italy.

Taking stock

I’ve not managed to run an example from the “Getting Started” page, but this is OK. I know first hand how difficult it is to provide and maintain even a simple example that runs out of the box, especially for a new user. I gather that this is a matter to download sample data from somewhere and put it in a local directory.

I have attempted similar management of data provisions through time series stores and time series libraries. The data catalogue of HydroMT appears to be a broadly similar abstraction, at a higher level of granularity and for several types of spatial or temporal data.

To be continued.