Producing Sankey diagrams from Python

Producing Sankey diagrams from Python



July 22, 2023


I have a couple of projects with browser applications that could benefit from some visualisations of stocks and flows, possibly animated. I gather that using an ecosystem such as D3.js or related is a likely must.

I will start however with Python based tools since this is a more familiar entry point.

Scaning the literature

Use case

Using the Biomass for Bioenergy Project as a case study for this. We want to visualise the flow of dry tonnes of feedstock material, for instance.

Defining an example

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
wheat_tonnage = 1e5
barley_tonnage = 2e5
# "losses" of some processes as a fraction
transport_loss_fact = 3e-2 
pellet_loss_fact = 6e-2 

straw_tonnage = wheat_tonnage + barley_tonnage
raw_noloss = straw_tonnage * (1-transport_loss_fact)
coal_tonnage = 5e5

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
    "source": ['Wheat straw', 'Barley straw', "Transport", "Transport", "Storage hub", "Pellet plant", "Pellet plant", "Coal"], 
    "target": ["Transport", "Transport", "Losses", 'Storage hub', "Pellet plant", 'Losses', 'Co-firing', 'Co-firing'],
    "weight": [wheat_tonnage, 
               straw_tonnage * transport_loss_fact, 
               raw_noloss * pellet_loss_fact,
               raw_noloss * (1-pellet_loss_fact),
source target weight
0 Wheat straw Transport 100000.0
1 Barley straw Transport 200000.0
2 Transport Losses 9000.0
3 Transport Storage hub 291000.0
4 Storage hub Pellet plant 291000.0
5 Pellet plant Losses 17460.0
6 Pellet plant Co-firing 273540.0
7 Coal Co-firing 500000.0

With D3blocks

Sankey diagrams in d3blocks

Note that the license of d3blocks is “GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3”. It may or may not be compatible with my, and your, projects. Let’s still give a try


d3blocks documentation

mamba activate bm
mamba install -c conda-forge numpy pandas tqdm jinja2 scikit-learn requests
pip install --no-deps d3graph colourmap ismember elasticgraph
cd ~/src/d3blocks
pip install -e .
Installing collected packages: python-louvain, markupsafe, d3blocks

Trial on our data

import d3blocks
from d3blocks import D3Blocks
# Initialize
d3 = D3Blocks()
[d3blocks] >INFO> Cleaning edge_properties and config parameters..

Using a diaplsy with notebook=False and showfig=True opens a new tab. Curiously it embeds an advertisement, at least by default (see screen capture below)

# Input parameters.
_ = d3.sankey(df,
          title='Sankey - d3blocks',
          figsize=(800, 600),
          node={"align": "justify", "width": 15, "padding": 15, "color": "currentColor"},
          link={"color": "source-target", "stroke_opacity": 0.5},
          margin={"top": 5, "right": 1, "bottom": 5, "left": 1},
[d3blocks] >INFO> Cleaning edge_properties and config parameters..
[d3blocks] >INFO> Initializing [Sankey]
[d3blocks] >INFO> filepath is set to [/tmp/d3blocks/sankey.html]
[d3blocks] >INFO> Convert to Frame.
[d3blocks] >INFO> Node properties are set.
[d3blocks] >INFO> Edge properties are set.
[d3blocks] >INFO> File already exists and will be overwritten: [/tmp/d3blocks/sankey.html]
[d3blocks] >INFO> Open browser: /tmp/d3blocks/sankey.html

Trying to display inline in the notebook with notebook=True fails to display in this notebook run via jupyter-lab (3.4.7). The drop down boxes (and the advertisement) do display, but not the graph, which appears elsewhere unexpected on the page.

# Not running: it renders outside. Also, has an advertisement.
# d3.sankey(df,
#           title='Sankey - d3blocks',
#           filepath=None,
#           notebook=True)

Using Plotly

The page How to make Sankey Diagrams in Python with Plotly. looks promising

mamba install -c conda-forge plotly

Restart jupyter-lab in case an extension has been installed to jupyter-lab

Let’s see if we can display a vanilla example:

import plotly.graph_objects as go

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
    node = dict(
      pad = 15,
      thickness = 20,
      line = dict(color = "black", width = 0.5),
      label = ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C1", "C2"],
      color = "blue"
    link = dict(
      source = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 3], # indices correspond to labels, eg A1, A2, A1, B1, ...
      target = [2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5],
      value = [8, 4, 2, 8, 4, 2]

fig.update_layout(title_text="Basic Sankey Diagram", font_size=10)

Our data

Now trying on our data. We need to do a bit of legwork to retrieve the unique node names and use their indices to define the links, which is a tad inconvenient as an API, but an understandable choice nonetheless.

node_names = list(set(list(df.source.values) + list( ))
 'Wheat straw',
 'Pellet plant',
 'Barley straw',
 'Storage hub']
indices = {node_names[i]: i for i in range(len(node_names))}
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey(
    # valueformat = ".0f",
    valuesuffix = "T",
    # Define nodes
    node = dict(
      pad = 15,
      thickness = 20,
      line = dict(color = "black", width = 0.5),
      label = node_names,
      # color =  data['data'][0]['node']['color']
      color = "blue"
    # Add links
    link = dict(
      source =  [indices[k] for k in df.source.values],
      target =  [indices[k] for k in],
      value =  df.weight.values.tolist(),
      # label =  data['data'][0]['link']['label'],
      # color =  data['data'][0]['link']['color']

fig.update_layout(title_text="Made up data for a <a href=''>biomass for bioenergy</a> scenario",

# fig.layout.height = 500


This is not an exhaustive look at the charting options in Python binding to d3.js. Plotly clearly passes the “pub test” for producing a Sankey diagram. The MIT licensing of plotly. If I can weave plotly graph objects into a project otherwise built on top of ipywidgets, this is promising.